Student Solution


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DQ 5 (2)

DQ 5 (2)

Q On what basis did the court conclude that Microsoft was a monopoly (see “Market Share”)? Microsoft is a Monopoly as it had the most exclusive rights to market the product. The various types of the products that are in the market have some sort of rights that give them the exclusive patents that would be meaningful for them to make business. What was Microsoft’s market share of Intel-compatible PC operating system? Of all operating system, including those of Apple computers? Microsoft had the largest shares among the different kinds of the operating systems. It has been one of the top sellers in the market and hence it can be termed as the monopoly. What evidence did the court cite in claiming that Microsoft charged above-competitive prices (see “Microsoft’s Pricing Behavior”)?

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The court claimed that there was a lot of high prices that were being charged by the owners of Microsoft though they were not entitled to do so as the different kinds of the issues that related to the various types of the topics that were being used by the different genres of the monopoly strategies. The other firms charged a price which was less than that of the monopoly price whereas the monopoly pricing was all about the different genres of the strategies that would be used to produce the given set of outcomes. The outcomes of the various types of the products that would be used will always show that the highest price